Make your food boring and your life interesting.” That’s one
lesson Andrew Flinders Taylor points out in a Youtube video he posted in December 2016, where he detailed all of the things he learned after eating potatoes for every meal, every single day, for almost a year.
An all-potato diet sounds crazy, but for Taylor, who weighed in at 334 pounds when his experiment began, it led to noticeable results. The Australian native dropped 117 pounds after one year of what he calls his “Spud Fit Challenge.”
Today, Taylor no longer only eats potatoes, but his tater-only diet did help him become a healthier man, he says.
"My Spud Fit Challenge was only ever intended as a short term intervention to treat my own food addiction," Taylor said in an interview during November 2019. " My behavior with food mirrored that of an alcoholic with drinking so I decided to get as close as possible to treating it with the same abstinence model: I quit all food except potatoes."
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