Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hello everyone today i will give you mtn tcp tweak that rocks with high efficiency.its a new trick that works with 0naira, but sucks your credit or mb if you hv any in d first it will be best if you use a dummy sim.
droid vpn
terminal emulator apk -
download this from googleplay store.
element53- also from your playstore.*(new)
on your terminal emulator just type 'ping' with space in between ping and
google... but do not do anything!
jst minimize and open droid vpn
then in ur droid vpn go to protocol and choose
go to port setings type 443 or 5222 in tcp
then on go bind to local port and type 1110 or
443 or 5222.
then save or exit.
then choose any free sever.
(sever6 & sever3 r the best)
click on connect. you know that big button.
be vigilant and watch your network
know those two opposite facing arrows that look
lyk 'N'.
when you connect it will come and go then one
arrow will show lyk 'l' then your droid vpn will
say somtin lyk 'failed to read sever'
then immediately after lyk 2 secs another arrow
'N' will come and go then click again it will
then then connect, if you r lucky-unless they
follow u frm village!.then minimize and connect
your terminal emulator with 'ping' by
pressing enter.
After that, d whole tin might still disconnect.
Rubbish! To stabilize ur connection, connect ur
element53 by pressing the green button.
This cheat is un block able,  so don't worry about anything.
nothing dey happen!
infopacked all the way!!!

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